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Hi Sam, It's me again. Just to notify that the Rosy42 update in the png tileset still has the dark background. The color is the same as some pixels in the tiles, so we can't just remove it without destroy the arts.

Hey there,
what do you mean with dark background? 
The files all have a transparent background, I just double checked. Whyever: The Preview on windows has a dark background, but when opening the files are transparent. Or do you mean something else?

Deleted 204 days ago

Please don't post while tilesets here. It's against the rules. 

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I'm really sorry Sam, I forgot about that. Is there any way I could send a DM here when sending images? Or should I just send it in your twitter?

Itch doesn't have DMs. 

Yes, you can contact me directly over twitter if you want to. 

No worries

I will have a look at the file and will let you now once it's reuploaded

Reuploaded the file, please have a look if it works now.

It worked! Thank you again!

Hello, what are the copyrights of the project?

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Hey Suhade,

It's for commercial use:

Wrapped inside a game. You can also alter the ruleset to your liking. Not allowed is use in any AI application or software or upload to those. 

With the set is an included license file. 

Hope that helps.

- Sam

Thank you


I am a man of my word !  i said i'll get it 9 months ago , now i just got it ! haha


HAHA! Great thanks! :D

This looks amazing! I could not resist :)

Stupid question from a noob: your Metroidvania tileset is super tidy in a perfect 16x16 grid. This one not so. Is there an easy obvious way of slicing this that I am not seeing, or should I just slice the larger assets manually?


Hey iani, 

there is a s4m_ur4i_8x8_2d_soulslike_gothic_tileset.tmx (tiled) it uses an 8x8 grid, which makes it posible to use 8x8 and 16x16 for the level building. So if you are using something like unity, the slice by grid size setting would be 8x8 and you are good to go.

If this doesn't solve what you are looking for, please write back :)

- Sam

Perfect, thank you for the noob support =)

And again, awesome art, in all 3 sets. Got HUGE in the equality bundle, and then saw the Metroidvania and this and had to get those too. They are great.

thanks you so much. I appreciate that a Lot :) 

There are No noob questions. If there is anything that Pops Up - pleased ask :)


Oh man this is beautiful !!!
i'm too broke to buy this , but hopefully someday i will

Great work! How many colors are used?

Fantastic tileset! Purchased right away. Only note, the tileset is 8x8 but you state its compatible with 16x16 which confused me a bit. :) Might want to specify tileset size in description. Otherwise freaking amazing work!!!

Hey, sorry for the late reply.
Thanks for your message :) This tileset uses 8x8 as the other tilesets too. All the sets use a bit different technique than usual Tilesets. The smallest "rocks" are 8x8, and 16x16 are the bigger ones (four 8x8 blocks). The characters in HUGE are also created to fit that sizes. 

I can see why this is confusing. I think I will just delete the 8x8 out of that sentence, since it's just important to know that it is compatible. Again - Thanks a lot :)

Gorgeous !! 

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This is amazing.  really good work.  are you planning on making some characters that can go with all these sets?  usually that's my problem, I find great tilesets but no characters that match the style.  will buy your bundle tho, too good to let it pass.  Kudos!

Hey thanks a lot!

The question came a few times. but there is a problem with characters in general. since they need to have all necessary animations: every game need different stuff. and then some devs need different enemies. it‘s never an excact fit. so doing all the chars and animations will end up in an quite expensive set. just for like 4-6 characters.  that‘s the reason why you don‘t see so many char sets. I think - they are also more time consuming than tilesets; so the price would be higher. 

Maybe I will do some. But I won‘t promise it for now. I think the need for it is there. but to fit a style for everyone is impossible. that‘s at least my experience. 


Yes I understand that, but what I mean, that the tileset author could do some character that go with the tileset style... I don't mean to say that it should fit all users... but in my search, since I'm a dev but not an artist, I try to search for complete sets event when they don't have everything I need if they have characters with the basics things like idle, walk, attack and die that's enough to start a game, but that doesn't happen and I find so many amazing tilesets but no character that fit the style :(

well, let's see if we have something for you ready then - in the next weeks ;) I will need some time for that, will probably go as a separate asset pack, since not everyone want's it for the full price.


This is precious! <3

Thank you very much :)