The license is bound to you. You can use the graphics in multiple Projects. However Sharing the graphics to others isn't part of the license. If there are other developers working on a different Project they have to purchase a license by themselves.
If you have an ongoing Project that involves multiple developers you only need one license.
Hi! I bought the big bundle of games that is on sale now and I didn't know there were this kind of projects included, it was a nice surprise :) I really loved your work, I'm a programmer with no art skills and I hope I can do something with your assets, thanks for your hard work!
So, here is my review of this pack, the overall quality of the pack is very high the tiles are great for the moment (i'll edit my review if i find something with them later), my main issue with this pack are the character animations. There is a .txt file provided with the pack for the animations that is not a problem everything is good BUT more than 50% of the animations are fun animations not useful ones for a game, the attack animation is one frame ... the run animations is strange, no death animation in the .txt file but frames are provided at least i managed to create one with the frame already in, no climbing on ladder and ledges anim. I would have liked a more elaborated melee attack animation, a "heavy attack" and less "funny" animations and at least a idle animation on the npcs (this comment is subject to change if my opinion is changing too)
and one question are your tiles usable with an auto tilemap like unity ?
The newest update added animations for all the enemies, also there are some new clouds, a ladder climbing animation for the player and some bug fixes.
The sprites are just in an 8x8 grid, so it should work just fine in unity. I would always recommend using tiled and importing it into unity since you have much more possibilities with that and the unity tilemap editor is kinda buggy.
Hello, Looking through the download page files I do not see a climbing animation. The animation download is from 2018 and the ones from 2 weeks ago are just clouds and enemies right? Is climbing available for download?
let me Check the Files. The 2018 Animations we're replaced by a New File which includes 3 frames for climbing. I get Back to you tomorrow when I checked the File.
The character animation file was updated, now the ladder climbing should be included! If there is any Problem left, let me know. and thanks for figuring this out!
Even though the Enemies and Characters are Static, all frames are included to enable us to make our own animations correct? as in each Enemies/Characters have frames for walk, run, attack etc?Even though the Enemies and Characters are Static, all frames are included to enable us to make our own animations correct? as in each Enemies/Characters have frames for walk, run, attack etc?
The license includes commercial use, however no derivates. If you like to edit the graphics and use them in your commercial project: Get in contact with me.
What derivates mean,i want to use your assets for commercial game but i will not edit your assets just use it is it ok or
I've recently bought this asset pack, and it's excellent! There's an incredible amount of effort and detail put into it. I was wondering if you were able to add descriptions to the main tilemap, and maybe some of the others if possible? There are quite a few sprites that I have no clue what they are or how they animate.
I've seen a few other asset packs that have data files that describe what each tile is, it's position and size. But I know that is a big ask for a tileset this size. However, I'm sure descriptions of the more mysterious tiles would be much appreciated. I completely understand if there isn't enough demand for a feature this.
I would like to do exactly this, but as you pointed out it needs a lot of time and right now, I am very short of time. I would love to do so many things but it's not possible at this time.
I know that it is not satisfying but "maybe in the future" will be the answer to this. I would like to thank you so much for this constructive feedback. I appreciate it and put this on the wishlist for that tileset.
Thanks for buying my tileset :) I hope to get more time soon.
I've bought your asset. I totally felt in love with it. I'm planning on trying to make a game with this. I'm a hobbiest with programming background, not an artist. So I've been looking for something like this. Hope I manage to turn it into a full game, speaking of which I'd like to ask a couple of questions:
First, would you include the example scene to download? It would be of great help to learn to assemble some tiles.
Second, about the license. I've been reading the previous posts about the topic and to clarify, I can create animations from it, and make other changes, etc., (No derivatives removed) but, is there an incoming/earnings limit?
With example scene I mean what you say, a tilemap example. The fifth screenshot (l3Klu8.jpg) would be great and if you create another would be awesome (the more examples the better, specially for not an artist) but may be too much time consuming. That's why I say with the fifth screenshot would be more than enough and looks incredible big that map. I've zoomed that map but it is hard to distinguish the tiles. I assume it is already created at higher resolution.
Please note: The example only uses some tiles of the whole set. Since it was made for a game of myself, never released I cut the tileset in parts for better loading. However, every tile in the example is included in the HUGE set. For basic understanding how the assetpack can be used, this should do it. if you got further questions, feel free to ask.
License was removed. Since there is no CC license (as far as I could see) that covers the right terms under EU law: If you purchase any of my assets, you can use it in your work (games, videos etc., also for commercial projects) but can't resell it as your own assets.
Hello, I have bought your asset but ı have problems. Firstly door asset are not transparent and we need torch animaton PNGs and also we didn't understand the most of the character animation can you help me, thanks in advance.
- Doors: They are meant to be in the background, if you look at the graphics, the door opens to be behind a player (from sideview, to open front view). The graphics are visually not made to be "in front" of any object, since perspective does not work that way. If a door opens from frame 0 - 5 it has opened to "lay" on the backwall. So the sprite should also placed behind a player object.
- New torch animations: everything thats listed on the tileset page is included. The tileset is considered as complete, there will be no new feature requests or graphics for now. If you like some commission work for a bunch of additional graphics you can let me know.
- Player animations are all written down in: animations-frames.txt, you can download it on the tileset page, this is phaserjs syntax. You can also use the animations in every other framework or engine, simply by applying the frames (numbers) the same way. You can see for every animation (key: "playerRun", frames: [] <array>), just take the frame numbers and you get the different animations. For example: run => frames: 4,4,7,6,5,5,6,7 and so on. Everything is listed in the animations-frames.txt (under download demo headline)
You can see a few posts below a list with all the animations incl. js code. (it's a reply to the first post that was deleted). I will upload a txt file with that code and animation names, so everyone can download.
reached me earlier on twitter: answer for everybody else: yes, as far as you are an indie studio or solo dev you can use it :) in photoshop etc for your own work.
Hey, Thanks for your message. Right now there is no update planned. There were 3-4 people asking about animations, but the majority just don't need them it seems. And it would bump up the price. So till now, there are no animations planned, only the already included once for the player.
Hey, thanks so much! :) The player animations are this file: s4m_ur4i_huge-assetpack-character-animations.png (20x24px) Does this help you? There is currently no source code for the example included.
If you need something else, you can directly contact me via twitter: @s4m_ur4i, or reply to that comment, I will anser asap :)
Hey, I just copied the code for it (js), note that the frames start at 0. These are the animations: see frames array. Hope that helpes, if you need more, just tell me :)
this is exactly what the code explains. there is no image for this. you can lookup the name: “idle”, “running” and the frames and got exactly what you need. this should work with every modern game engine.
So far only the player sprite. (It's animated) Since most people don't require all sprites animated it would be no benefit asking everyone for an extra when so less people need all the animation.
If lots of people ask for this kind of feature I will implement it. So far there is no plan on doing it.
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hi, can i modify it to use it in my commercial project ?????
hey Matue,
how big is your team/company? under 5? then its fine :) nothing to worry
it's just me, thanks for responding, for the permission and dedication in this package :)
This looks awesome! :)
Thanks! :)
Hi, just want to make sure, can we use/share a purchased asset to more than one game/ more than one game developer?
Or it just licensed as a single product (one license for one game only).
The license is bound to you. You can use the graphics in multiple Projects. However Sharing the graphics to others isn't part of the license. If there are other developers working on a different Project they have to purchase a license by themselves.
If you have an ongoing Project that involves multiple developers you only need one license.
Okay, So as long as I involved in all of those projects, I can still use this license, right?
Yes, you can.
great thanks :)
great job, love the set
thanks! :)
I spy Theo :)
Broooo, youre amazing love this bound
Thanks a Lot! :)
Hi! I bought the big bundle of games that is on sale now and I didn't know there were this kind of projects included, it was a nice surprise :) I really loved your work, I'm a programmer with no art skills and I hope I can do something with your assets, thanks for your hard work!
Hey, glad you Like ist! When you got Something to Show, leave a Link ;)
Someone can tell me if there is a climbing ladder animation ?
I really need one and if there is one then I will buy this tileset.
(sorry for my bad English)
Hey zwaxer, right now unfortunately there is no climbing animation in the set.
can you make one ?
or can I make one and still use this tileset ?
Feel free. Of course you can make one and still use the tileset. I currently don"t have any time for working on the tilesets - even I would like to.
ok thanks :)
Hey, climb and enemy animations were updated with the last updates ;)
So, here is my review of this pack, the overall quality of the pack is very high the tiles are great for the moment (i'll edit my review if i find something with them later), my main issue with this pack are the character animations. There is a .txt file provided with the pack for the animations that is not a problem everything is good BUT more than 50% of the animations are fun animations not useful ones for a game, the attack animation is one frame ... the run animations is strange, no death animation in the .txt file but frames are provided at least i managed to create one with the frame already in, no climbing on ladder and ledges anim. I would have liked a more elaborated melee attack animation, a "heavy attack" and less "funny" animations and at least a idle animation on the npcs (this comment is subject to change if my opinion is changing too)
and one question are your tiles usable with an auto tilemap like unity ?
The newest update added animations for all the enemies, also there are some new clouds, a ladder climbing animation for the player and some bug fixes.
The sprites are just in an 8x8 grid, so it should work just fine in unity. I would always recommend using tiled and importing it into unity since you have much more possibilities with that and the unity tilemap editor is kinda buggy.
- Sam
can you see my message on your email this my email
because i bought your project
I just send you an answer, thanks!
Cool stuff, sr.
Starting a new project with your assets! Not so many probabilities of finish it but, hey, i will try to do it!!
Thanks, let me know if you got something to show :)
Hey Sam. I've finally grabbed the asset, and just started playing with it. Looks great.
One question for you -- you have a ladder, so shouldn't your animated player character have a ladder climb animation to use the ladder?
Also, a nice-to-have would be a wall cling / wall-climbing animation. It would be cool to be able to scale or hold a wall without a ladder present.
Hey, Ladder climbing animation is now included :) also 190 frames for enemies.
Very cool! Thanks for the update.
Thanks for the support :)
Hello, Looking through the download page files I do not see a climbing animation. The animation download is from 2018 and the ones from 2 weeks ago are just clouds and enemies right? Is climbing available for download?
let me Check the Files. The 2018 Animations we're replaced by a New File which includes 3 frames for climbing. I get Back to you tomorrow when I checked the File.
Hey PlasmaAsylum,
The character animation file was updated, now the ladder climbing should be included! If there is any Problem left, let me know. and thanks for figuring this out!
- Sam
Thanks! I ended up making my own, but of course yours are way better so I'll be using yours now. Thank again.
Even though the Enemies and Characters are Static, all frames are included to enable us to make our own animations correct? as in each Enemies/Characters have frames for walk, run, attack etc?Even though the Enemies and Characters are Static, all frames are included to enable us to make our own animations correct? as in each Enemies/Characters have frames for walk, run, attack etc?
Hello DC_HUT,
Thanks for your question :)
the characters and Enemies are static, that means there is one frame for them. No Animations.
Only the main character is fully animated.
ok thanks :)
Hey, update: enemies got 190 frame of animations now!
The license includes commercial use, however no derivates. If you like to edit the graphics and use them in your commercial project: Get in contact with me.
What derivates mean,i want to use your assets for commercial game but i will not edit your assets just use it is it ok or
or? :)
you can use them for a commercial project ;)
Thanks i want this to use in commercial game,but i will put credits,i will not edit anything just use them as they are
The enemies don't have animations? In the description says
yes. as the description says.
do you have any plans to create the animations for them? I'm very interested in the asset pack but needed these animations.
Enemy animation were added, maybe still usefull ;)
I've recently bought this asset pack, and it's excellent! There's an incredible amount of effort and detail put into it. I was wondering if you were able to add descriptions to the main tilemap, and maybe some of the others if possible? There are quite a few sprites that I have no clue what they are or how they animate.
I've seen a few other asset packs that have data files that describe what each tile is, it's position and size. But I know that is a big ask for a tileset this size. However, I'm sure descriptions of the more mysterious tiles would be much appreciated. I completely understand if there isn't enough demand for a feature this.
Thanks again for such a great asset pack!
Hello and thank you! :)
I would like to do exactly this, but as you pointed out it needs a lot of time and right now, I am very short of time. I would love to do so many things but it's not possible at this time.
I know that it is not satisfying but "maybe in the future" will be the answer to this. I would like to thank you so much for this constructive feedback. I appreciate it and put this on the wishlist for that tileset.
Thanks for buying my tileset :)
I hope to get more time soon.
I've bought your asset. I totally felt in love with it. I'm planning on trying to make a game with this. I'm a hobbiest with programming background, not an artist. So I've been looking for something like this. Hope I manage to turn it into a full game, speaking of which I'd like to ask a couple of questions:
First, would you include the example scene to download? It would be of great help to learn to assemble some tiles.
Second, about the license. I've been reading the previous posts about the topic and to clarify, I can create animations from it, and make other changes, etc., (No derivatives removed) but, is there an incoming/earnings limit?
Thank you in advance and sorry for my english.
Thanks a lot! looking forward to hear more about your game :)
1. example scene: do you mean something like a tilemap example? (Tiled) I can do this during the next days :)
2. no earning limit. you can change and use it. the only thing not to do: resell it as assets/artwork by itself.
hope that helps! If there is any question left, please ask :)
With example scene I mean what you say, a tilemap example. The fifth screenshot (l3Klu8.jpg) would be great and if you create another would be awesome (the more examples the better, specially for not an artist) but may be too much time consuming. That's why I say with the fifth screenshot would be more than enough and looks incredible big that map. I've zoomed that map but it is hard to distinguish the tiles. I assume it is already created at higher resolution.
Thank you Sam.
Hey. the example is live. Link to the devlog
Please note: The example only uses some tiles of the whole set. Since it was made for a game of myself, never released I cut the tileset in parts for better loading. However, every tile in the example is included in the HUGE set. For basic understanding how the assetpack can be used, this should do it. if you got further questions, feel free to ask.
Great update Sam!! Very helpful indeed and very appreciated. I'm curious about a couple of things:
1. What are those semi-transparent rectangular white regions?
2. What was your game about?
Thank you a lot Sam.
You're welcome.
1. The rectangles are areas defined for the code of the game I made.
For example something happens if the player enters a certain area.
2. Secret ;) still working on that game (not using the assets)
License was removed. Since there is no CC license (as far as I could see) that covers the right terms under EU law: If you purchase any of my assets, you can use it in your work (games, videos etc., also for commercial projects) but can't resell it as your own assets.
you’re welcome. thanks a lot!
Hello, I have bought your asset but ı have problems. Firstly door asset are not transparent and we need torch animaton PNGs and also we didn't understand the most of the character animation can you help me, thanks in advance.
Hello, thanks for your message!
- Doors: They are meant to be in the background, if you look at the graphics, the door opens to be behind a player (from sideview, to open front view). The graphics are visually not made to be "in front" of any object, since perspective does not work that way. If a door opens from frame 0 - 5 it has opened to "lay" on the backwall. So the sprite should also placed behind a player object.
- New torch animations: everything thats listed on the tileset page is included. The tileset is considered as complete, there will be no new feature requests or graphics for now. If you like some commission work for a bunch of additional graphics you can let me know.
- Player animations are all written down in: animations-frames.txt, you can download it on the tileset page, this is phaserjs syntax. You can also use the animations in every other framework or engine, simply by applying the frames (numbers) the same way. You can see for every animation (key: "playerRun", frames: [] <array>), just take the frame numbers and you get the different animations. For example: run => frames: 4,4,7,6,5,5,6,7 and so on. Everything is listed in the animations-frames.txt (under download demo headline)
I hope that answers your questions :)
what's your Twitter account bro ? Wanna ask you for some advices :P
@s4m_ur4i ;)
Hi pls add me in discord pintow#4735
does this have big enemies also ? boss type of monsters
Hey, thanks for your question!
You can see the sprites in the last screenshots. These are not meant as boss types of monsters.
cheers ~ sam
Awesome pack, but am I able to know the order in which the Player has his animations, some I just can't tell
Hey, thanks!
You can see a few posts below a list with all the animations incl. js code. (it's a reply to the first post that was deleted). I will upload a txt file with that code and animation names, so everyone can download.
Update: You can now download the txt file with the animation code.
Awesome thanks
Hey! Love your asset pack, was wondering if we could use some of the sprites in Photoshop to create a main menu?
reached me earlier on twitter: answer for everybody else: yes, as far as you are an indie studio or solo dev you can use it :) in photoshop etc for your own work.
Is main character have shooting or slashing animation ? and do you have gun or swords sprite ?
hey thanks for your message :)
*EDIT* I uploaded a txt file with the animation anmes / frames / code
Hi, this look very very good ! I will buy it, but do you think you will add animation to the enemy ?
Hey, Thanks for your message. Right now there is no update planned. There were 3-4 people asking about animations, but the majority just don't need them it seems. And it would bump up the price. So till now, there are no animations planned, only the already included once for the player.
I hope that answers your question.
Hey, just rolled out an update: animations for the enemies are now included! :)
Hey, thanks so much! :)
The player animations are this file: s4m_ur4i_huge-assetpack-character-animations.png (20x24px)
Does this help you? There is currently no source code for the example included.
If you need something else, you can directly contact me via twitter: @s4m_ur4i, or reply to that comment, I will anser asap :)
Hey, I just copied the code for it (js), note that the frames start at 0. These are the animations: see frames array. Hope that helpes, if you need more, just tell me :)
key: 'playerDash',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 3 }
frameRate: 1,
repeat: 1
key: 'playerItem',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 10 }
frameRate: 1,
repeat: 1
key: 'playerSleep',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 32 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 33 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 34 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 35 }
frameRate: 4,
repeat: -1
key: 'playerAttacking',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 40 }
frameRate: 1,
repeat: -1
key: 'playerFishing',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 28 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 29 }
frameRate: 4,
repeat: -1
key: 'playerFishingPull',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 30 }
frameRate: 1,
repeat: -1
key: 'playerHurt',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 41 }
frameRate: 1,
repeat: -1
key: 'playerGamepad',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 20 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 21 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 20 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 22 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 23 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 22 }
frameRate: 6,
repeat: -1
key: 'playerDig',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 16 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 17 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 17 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 17 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 18 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 19 }
frameRate: 12,
repeat: 0
key: 'playerRun',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 4 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 4 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 7 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 6 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 5 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 5 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 6 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 7 }
frameRate: 18,
repeat: 1
key: 'playerStand',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 0 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 1 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 2 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 1 }
frameRate: 5,
repeat: 1
key: 'playerSwim',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 12 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 13 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 14 },
{ key: 'player', frame: 13 }
frameRate: 6,
repeat: -1
key: 'playerJump',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 4 }
frameRate: 1,
repeat: 1
key: 'playerFall',
frames: [
{ key: 'player', frame: 11 }
frameRate: 1,
repeat: 1
this is exactly what the code explains. there is no image for this. you can lookup the name: “idle”, “running” and the frames and got exactly what you need. this should work with every modern game engine.
hi! the characters has animations? ((:
Hey, thanks for your message :)
The main character / player is fully animated. Not the other characters.
you gonna animate the character sprites in a future?
Thanks for your question :)
So far only the player sprite. (It's animated) Since most people don't require all sprites animated it would be no benefit asking everyone for an extra when so less people need all the animation.
If lots of people ask for this kind of feature I will implement it. So far there is no plan on doing it.
I follow u on twitter. Your work is awesome. Thanks to you for the answer. Greetings from Argentina.
I bought this...but how do I get the doors...not in the downloads
Hey Quinn, thank you so much for purchasing. They are part of the tilemap file. Would you like to have a seperate one for the doors?
Awesome Man Awesome .... :)
Thanks a lot! :) Glad you like it! :)
Very cute)
Thank you :)
You are a content creating machine! I love it
Thanks a lot! :)