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Hi, I am working on a platformer and would like to know if you would be interested in doing character and creature sprites for me please? Happy to pay

hey thanks for your message. Unfortunately I am full this year. Commissions closed. Sorry. 

(1 edit)

Great detail for such a small scale!

(1 edit) (+1)

Sam, the complete game is up there
I encourage you to install and try it a bit as it is your game too. Again, thank you a lot for your art and be sure, there will be more games that include your graphics. <3 Cheers!!

Hi Sam:) Bought these and other tiles from you! very nice!

but having a bit of trouble figuring out which ones are used for which animation. Especially some movement frames:(

Do you happen to have something for a reference?

Ok:) actually I used Phaser example to check the frames and animations:)

Deleted 4 years ago

thanks for sharing! Looks great! :)