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Hi, I wanted to thank you for these cute assets! I’ve created my first prototype for a game jam using it. If you want to try it here’s the link: Hope you like it!

Neat little game. It's actually what I had in mind, when creating these assets. if you want to make it into a full game, hit me up for the assets :) 

Thanks! Sure, you can find me on discord as themagiulio.

that music is fantastic too, where is it from?

It is! It’s called Tranquility, the author is called Onys. I found it on free music archive.


We have sent you a donation, we will use it for a videogame, thank you very much.

I have to thank you :) feel free to share the link to your game once you got something to play! :) thanks!

Yeahh!!! ;)

This is the game 😉

Hey, I tried the link and it doesn't work.

It's 3y old. Probably not available anymore. 

@pcnonogames you got an upload on itch?

Yes. You can to see in my itch page. 😉

looks like celeste pico edition :)

thanks :) it's a wonderfull game. one my top 10!

I discovered this thanks to the BLM bundle a while back and have just gotten around to checking out the tileset.  I immediately fell in love with it and have actually edited most of the set to work with GB Studio. As of right now, I only have a map you can walk around in, but I'm still trying to figure out what kind of game I should make with it, to be perfectly honest.

If you have any questions or concerns or just want to see what I have, I can send you a screenshot or short proof of concept video, if you'd like.

Thanks for these beautiful assets!


Hey Sam I loved this so much I ended up using almost this entire set lol. It's awesome!  Your other stuff looks really  great too I like the aesthetic. I wish I could come up with more ideas! I used this for my short interactive narrative here. Just wanted to say thanks.

thank you :)

and you're welcome. Eager to try your project!

Howdy. Love the style, so I borrowed it for my current prototype. 

I've modified your assets to include animation and such for the game. Does your current license actually prevent that (no derivatives). I'll probably end up picking up your mega-pack if I continue down this route, and don't want to box myself in. I can drop your assets at this stage if I can't modify :(

Check out the game here:

Hey Searle, 

Thanks for your message and for using my assets!

As long as:

  • your game is free, or
  • you are an indie-dev (1-3 person team), not a company, or
  • your game does not make more than 500$ a month

Do not worry at all. Credits is always highly appreciated (thank you!). If someone wants to make money on a professional level with their project and wants to use modified parts of my assets, just get in contact with me. I would love to make (more) art for the game, or we can get along with some agreement. In the end, I make a living from doing graphics - keeping in contact with the community and trying to get the best out of everyones games is keeping me alive.

Be sure that I would never lawsuit indiegame-devs making free or "low-income" indie games. You are welcome to use the assets and modify it. This applies to all of my assets I published on as long as the points above are true.

I hope that clarifies my choice of the license and you can use it in your projects as you want. 

Best regards,


(2 edits)

Thanks for making that clear.

I was considering this as part of a pile of possible resources for experimenting with game development but, while I respect your position, if I make a free game, my ultimate aspiration would be to see it beside things like OpenTTD in the Debian Linux package repositories, and all major definitions of open-source include a clause which Debian phrases as "No discrimination against fields of endeavor, like commercial use.".

Also, I have to say: I love how you use the assets, looks really nice with that UI! And the music is lovely too! Keep up the good work :)

Thanks, Sam. That really means a lot. 

If you're interested in discussing collaboration, I'd be up for it. Producing the art assets is fun, but not my strong suit. Feel free to touch base with me in Discord. Discord ID: Searle#0215

I love your art! Thanks.

Thank you so much! :)

If you like leave a comment on what free ressources are missing on, maybe when I got some time I can do some more ;)

Deleted 5 years ago

I’m a big fan of your assets. The metroid-like stuff is great! Keep ‘em coming. It’s really good stuff. These are perfect time saver for many prototypes and projects indeed. Thank you.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much! :) those responses keep me going. I will do more!
What kind of assets are needed often? Maybe there is something missing and I can fill the gap ;)

I’m a sucker for metroid stuff... I can’t help it :D

Haha me too. 

Then you will love what I am working on ;)

Check out my twitter: