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Hello, I've used your asset in a demo for my website template :D Thank you very much for sharing this awesome artwork!


Glad it was useful to you ;)

Looks amazing!

thanks! :)

¿Puedo usar para hacer un overlay de twitch de forma comercial?

sorry the translation may be messed up: you want to make a twitch banner with it? sure go ahead. credit is appreciated :)

desculpe, a tradução pode estar bagunçada: você quer fazer um banner twitch com ela? claro vá em frente. o crédito é apreciado :

lol I'm pretty sure they were using spanish and not portuguese


I have no idea :) just used google translate.

I've used your background in my project here! I think your background is really pretty and serene.

thanks a lot! I'll check it out!

(1 edit)

can I use this in a game that i will sell on stores ? I won't sell the assets i will the game that I will made using the assets.


Yep, you can. Credit is appreciated ;)

Thank you for sharing your art!

I used it on my music video. :) It's the first time I tried animation and pixel art, but was really fun!

You can see your art starting from 01:30. I was in a hurry so I had to stretch one picture to fit. But still, I'm so happy that lovely cloud goes so well with the character! Thank you again!

Hey thanks for sharing :)