Rogue Noir 2.0 | Sizes & Ideas

If a 2.0 set is happening, which tileset size yóu would want (you can also just respond which tileset grid you are using).

  • 8x8 (16x16 bigger blocks)
  • 16x16 (standard)
  • 32x32 (high detail)
  • other (comment)

You can comment with ideas, what you would like to see.
This is not a confirmation that this set is happening. If you want it happens, please vote here

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(1 edit)

Edited: Your tilesets are currently useful for full games since they tend to align in terms of resolution & palette. I vote 8x8 base with 16x16 groups, like, so your various tilesets will continue to be compatible with one another.

Hey, they actually are. They all use the same grid and with the latest update also the same palette?

(1 edit)

Thanks, I should have said "will be if they continue" - basically my vote is for you to continue with consistent palettes & tile sizes so your Rogue Noir 2.0 will also be compatible with the work you've already published.

16x16 seems to be a popular vote here, but I'd point out that 8x8 sets can include 16x16 groups (which can be directly used in 16x16 tilemaps), but if the smallest tile is 16x16, then the tileset now requires 16px tilemaps to be effective. The way you've used 8x8 with 16x16 block groups so far is ideal.

Ah, now I understand. Yes that's an important point. And also about the 8x8/16x16 compatibility. 

I'm old fashioned... I love 16px tilesets. Though I don't mind if there are 8px tiles for smaller details :)

16x16 - mostly for compatibility

16x first choice, but 32x would be awesome too and would stand out as there is hardly any scifi 32x tilesets (and i could use for 3d assets)

Even tho if there are hardly any 32x sci-fi tiles, maybe that's because most people don't use 32x?

you could use 32x for 3D? How?
Or do you mean, you want 3D? Even tho I know blender, I won't making any 3D Assets for sure. If I spread too much, it lowers the quality of the art. I was thinking for some handdrawn stuff, but sin't the right market for this.

fair enough, you know your target audience and goals. if ya got a patreon, id say a poll would help with this decision haha.

n i feel ya about the quality; i like to make low poly 3d art. and 32x tilesets would help with making it look more polished than with 16x tiles as the textures imo, just a style choice. totally wasnt expecting 3d assets from you, that's just my use case.

So it's for textures?
I think in Blender you can directly draw. Oh, I want to try that.
For me it's hard to not get interested in everything... I have to keep calm, else I try everything and finish nothing ;) 

16 x16, 32 x 32 second choice

16x16 (and 32x32 would be nice)
